
Planning and Preparing for Dental Procedures: Your Questions Answered

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Planning and Preparing for Dental Procedures: Your Questions Answered

Making decisions about your smile can be confusing. Should you have a tooth pulled or get a root canal? Should you get adult braces or stick with a retainer? Should you use at-home whitening remedies or have your teeth professionally whitened? If questions like these are keeping you up at night, you've come to the right place. I used to stress out over routine dental procedures, and as a result, I did loads of research on everything dental-related. To help others, I'm using this blog as a place to collect, review and share what I've learned through the years. I hope you can use the information here to help you plan and prepare for your next dental appointment.

What to Expect During a Dental Exam

Are you aware of the services your dentist provides during an exam? If you're planning on visiting the dentist soon, it's important to know what your dentist will be doing and why so that you can prepare for the appointment. This blog post will detail five common things that your dentist will do during a dental exam. 

Examining Teeth and Gums

Lastly, your dentist will examine both your gums and teeth for signs of decay or infection, such as cavities, chipped teeth, receding gums, etc. Any problems found during this part of the exam can then be addressed with further treatments such as fillings or crowns if necessary.

Oral Hygiene Instruction

Your dentist will review the best practices for maintaining good oral hygiene at home. This includes brushing with fluoride toothpaste and flossing. They may also provide instruction on properly using other tools like interdental brushes or water picks.

Oral Cancer Screening

During a dental exam, your dentist will check for signs of oral cancer, such as changes in the colour or texture of soft tissue, white patches (leukoplakia), or sores that don't heal within two weeks. They may also feel around your neck area for any lumps or bumps that could potentially be cancerous.


Dentists use X-rays to look inside your mouth and get a better understanding of what is going on. An X-ray is used to detect areas of decay, bone loss, and other abnormalities that can't be seen with the naked eye during an examination. They also allow dentists to get a look at similar structures, such as the roots of your teeth and surrounding jawbone, which provides valuable information that cannot be gathered in other ways.

Cleaning and Polishing Teeth

Your dentist will use special tools to clean away plaque and tartar from both above and below the gum line. They'll also polish your teeth with a gritty paste to remove any surface stains caused by food or drinks like coffee or tea.


A regular dental exam is an essential part of maintaining good oral health. It's important to understand what happens during these exams so that you can best prepare yourself when visiting the dentist's office. During a dental exam, expect your dentist to review proper oral hygiene techniques, screen for signs of oral cancer, take x-rays, clean and polish teeth, and examine both teeth and gums for any signs of decay or infection. Understanding this process helps ensure that you get the most out of each visit.

If you would like to find out more, contact a local general dentistry office today.