
Planning and Preparing for Dental Procedures: Your Questions Answered

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Planning and Preparing for Dental Procedures: Your Questions Answered

Making decisions about your smile can be confusing. Should you have a tooth pulled or get a root canal? Should you get adult braces or stick with a retainer? Should you use at-home whitening remedies or have your teeth professionally whitened? If questions like these are keeping you up at night, you've come to the right place. I used to stress out over routine dental procedures, and as a result, I did loads of research on everything dental-related. To help others, I'm using this blog as a place to collect, review and share what I've learned through the years. I hope you can use the information here to help you plan and prepare for your next dental appointment.

Does Smoking Really Hurt Your Oral Health?

If you are a tobacco smoker, you have probably read warning messages in cigarette packs that say 'smoking kills' or 'smoking is harmful to your health'. It is widely known that smoking is associated with fatal diseases like lung cancer and asthma. But did you know that your teeth and your oral health in general are also in danger? Damage to the teeth may not be a life-threatening condition or disease, but it will surely make your life uncomfortable. Read More 

Three Things Your Dentist Wishes You Did (And One They Wish You Didn’t)

According to the Huffington Post, only 1 in 10 people brush their teeth properly—and the Oral Health Foundation says that one in three people have never flossed. If you're looking to take better care of your teeth, it's worth asking yourself one simple question: what would my dentist want me to start or stop doing? #1: Visit the dentist as often as they recommend. The data suggests that almost half of all Australians aren't attending their annual dental checkups. Read More 

3 Reasons Dental Implants Trump Dentures

Dentures and implants do the same basic job in that they replace missing teeth, but there are key differences between the two options. With dentures, the plate the teeth are attached to is made of plastic, and this plastic plate remains visible when you are wearing the dentures. Implants consist of porcelain teeth attached to titanium rods. The rods cannot be seen as they are screwed into your gums. Implants aren't removed when you go to sleep and, over time, the rods fuse with your jawbone so the porcelain teeth are permanently secured in place. Read More 

How to Fix Dark Lines Around Crowns and Implants: Dermal Fillers

If you've used a crown, implant or bridge to fill a gap or replace a damaged tooth, then you may notice that the appearance of your false tooth changes over time. Typically this isn't a problem with the tooth itself but is a by-product of gum recession. If your gums recede away from your false tooth over a period of years, you may be left with an unsightly dark line between the gum and the tooth, which can significantly affect your smile confidence. Read More 

How Desensitisation Could Help Your Next Visit to the Dentist

Modern-day dentists are increasingly using a process known as desensitisation in order to help patients alleviate any fear they may have when visiting the dentist's chair. What is involved and how can you embrace this? Informal Meeting Many patients may consider the dental surgery and the chair itself to be a challenging environment and may become stressed if they are invited to immediately take their place in the chair upon arrival, as if awaiting imminent treatment. Read More